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by Bassam Tawil  •  August 3, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • Saeb Erekat's continued lies and fabrications about Israel promote anti-Semitism and embolden terrorists.

  • As a veteran negotiator, it would be a good idea for him to use his experience to persuade the Hamas terrorists to release the remains of the two soldiers instead of waging a propaganda campaign on behalf of a terrorist who woke up one morning and decided to kill Jews.

  • With negotiators like Erekat, one can understand why the Israeli-Palestinian peace process has been stalled for so many years.

PLO secretary general Saeb Erekat's continued lies and fabrications about Israel promote anti-Semitism and embolden terrorists. (Photo by Abbas Momani/AFP via Getty Images)

Ahmed Erekat, a 26-year-old Palestinian from the village of Abu Dis, south of Jerusalem, was shot dead by Israeli soldiers on June 23 after ramming his car into an Israeli military checkpoint. One soldier was lightly wounded in the attack.

Footage released by the Israeli authorities leaves no room for doubt that Erekat was on a mission to kill soldiers. The footage shows Erekat deliberately turning his car as he waited in line, driving directly at the soldiers, hitting one female soldier and then crashing into a guard booth. Erekat then got out of the vehicle and started walking towards the soldiers, who fired a number of bullets at him, killing him instantly.

Such terrorist attacks are not uncommon in the West Bank, where Palestinian terrorists have carried out dozens of car-rammings against Israeli soldiers and civilians in the past few years.

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by Soeren Kern  •  August 2, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • A recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that more than two-thirds of Americans support the Black Lives Matter movement. While Gatestone Institute and doubtless many others wish that blacks and all minorities benefit from the equal opportunities and protections offered by the U.S. Constitution, the high level of backing raises the question: How much does the public really know about BLM?

  • BLM's leaders openly admit that they want to abolish the nuclear family, police, prisons and capitalism.

  • Black Lives Matter uses Thousand Currents, which is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) organization, as its fiscal sponsor. Donations made on the Black Lives Matter website are processed by the left-wing ActBlue Charities, a donation platform affiliated with the Democratic Party, and then transferred to Thousand Currents, which then distributes them back to Black Lives Matter.

  • "If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right?... I just want black liberation, and black sovereignty. By any means necessary." — Hawk Newsome, leader of BLM's Greater New York chapter, New York Post, June 25, 2023.

  • BLM is also obsessed with U.S. President Donald J. Trump, who, arguably, has done more for African Americans than any other president in recent memory.

  • "In reality, this has nothing to do with black lives and everything to do with liberal Marxist anarchists having hijacked, as they always do, an important social issue with which they will undermine the very communities and people they claim to represent." — Tammy Bruce, US commentator, The Washington Times, June 14, 2023.

Black Lives Matter leaders have threatened to "burn down the system" if their demands are not met, and are also training black militias. Pictured: Police vehicles burn after being torched by participants in a BLM demonstration on May 30, 2023 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Mark Ralston/AFP via Getty Images)

Multinational companies, philanthropic foundations and private citizens have been donating tens of millions of dollars to Black Lives Matter (BLM), and a recent survey by the Pew Research Center has found that more than two-thirds of Americans support the BLM movement.

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Part I of this series revealed the anti-American agenda of Black Lives Matter, which, under the guise of fighting racism, seeks to transform the United States into a communist dystopia. BLM's leaders openly admit that they want to abolish the nuclear family, police, prisons and capitalism.

BLM leaders have threatened to "burn down the system" if their demands are not met, and are also training black militias.

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by Burak Bekdil  •  August 1, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • SODEV, another pollster, found that 60.5% of youths supporting Erdoğan said they would prefer to live in Christian Switzerland with half the salary they would have earned in Muslim Saudi Arabia.

  • "These kind of social engineering efforts targeting the younger mind almost always end up with opposite results, primarily because the new generation do not like to be told what's good and what's bad for them. Freedoms for most youth are more important than prayers. This is what conservative politicians often miss." — Turkish university professor who asked not to be named.

  • In just the first 65 days of the COVID-19 pandemic, 510 Turks were arrested for "spreading baseless and provocative messages in social media." Before that, by the end of 2023, Turkey had banned access to 408,494 web sites, 7,000 Twitter accounts, 40,000 tweets, 10,000 YouTube videos and 6,200 Facebook accounts.

  • Erdoğan might sit down and ask himself: Why do the youths whom he wanted to make "devout" want to flee their Muslim country and live in "infidel" lands?

Turkey's Islamist president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, once declared his political mission as "raising devout (Muslim) generations." Recent research has shown that Turkish youths have defied Erdoğan's most ambitious social engineering project. It is not surprising that young Turks in the 21st century do not want to be strangled by the unpredictable dictates of an Islamist regime. (Photo by Adem Altan/AFP via Getty Images)

Turkey's Islamist president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, once declared his political mission as "raising devout (Muslim) generations." Research in recent years has shown that Turkish youths have defied Erdoğan's most ambitious social engineering project.

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by Judith Bergman  •  July 31, 2023 at 5:00 am

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  • Corporate giants might be more successful at convincing the public that they truly care about social justice, inequality and the communities they claim to "serve" if this "care" did not only manifest itself in statements filled with virtue-signaling but in business practices as well -- such as not using forced labor and children in the supply chain.

  • Finally, pledging funds to Black Lives Matter, a self-described Marxist organization whose stated goal is "alternatives to capitalism", fails to convince one of much else than a corporate desire to ride the latest wave of wokeness to score easy profits and points.

Corporate giants might be more successful at convincing the public that they truly care about social justice and inequality if this "care" did not only manifest itself in statements filled with virtue-signaling but in business practices as well. In March, a media report revealed that children as young as eight were "working 40-hour weeks in gruelling conditions" on Guatemalan coffee bean farms that supply Starbucks. Pictured: Starbucks corporate headquarters in Seattle, Washington. (Photo by Mark Ralston/AFP via Getty Images)

Since the killing of George Floyd, corporate virtue signaling has reached unprecedented heights.

Apple pledged $100 million reportedly to "combat racism."

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Starbucks pledged $1 million in "Neighborhood Grants to promote racial equity and create more inclusive and just communities".

Microsoft announced that it would invest $150 million more into diversity and inclusion efforts in the company. "We are committed to take action to help address racial injustice and inequity, and unequivocally believe that Black lives matter", CEO Satya Nadella said.

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by Gordon G. Chang  •  July 30, 2023 at 10:00 am

  • Some think the packages [of seeds marked as "jewelry"] could be part of a "brushing scam" — an effort to create fake customer reviews on online retail platforms — but that appears unlikely. For one thing, there is no indication these seeds — there are several varieties of them — are either branded or are offered for sale.

  • "DO NOT plant them," officials in every state have warned.

  • There is also an infamous statement attributed to General Chi Haotian. In a secret speech to senior Communist Party officials sometime around 2002, Chi, then the Chinese defense minister, stated there was a need for "new living space" because of the exhaustion of existing Chinese territory. Chi suggested the "mass colonization" of the land occupied by United States as the best option.

  • "We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons," he said. The way to "clean up" the U.S., Chi argued, would be through biological attacks.

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(Image source: iStock)

Residents in all 50 states have received packages of seeds, sent unsolicited from China. Many of the packages, mailed through the Chinese state-run postal system, were mislabeled as "jewelry" for U.S. Customs purposes.

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"They could be invasive, meaning they may have the potential to introduce diseases to local plants, or could be harmful to livestock," the Montana Department of Agriculture noted in a statement on Monday, referring to the Chinese seeds. "Treat them like they are radioactive, like they are Kryptonite," said Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller.

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China acceded to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in 1984 but today is almost certainly in violation of its obligations.

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by Con Coughlin  •  July 30, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • "If the embargo is not renewed, this will allow Iran to import and export arms with impunity. They are already buying and selling arms on the black market, but ending the arms embargo will allow them to do so officially." — Senior Israeli official who asked not to be named. Private interview with the author.

  • "When the embargo... is lifted next year we can easily buy and sell weapons... This is one of those important impacts of this (nuclear) agreement." — Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, November 11, 2023.

  • In addition, Iran's ability to make new arms' purchases would enable Tehran to continue its support for proxies in the Middle East, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, as well as enabling it to fuel conflicts from Venezuela to Syria, and to the far reaches of Afghanistan.

Addressing the UN Security Council in June, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned diplomats that failing to renew the arms embargo against Iran would enable the ayatollahs to purchase Russian-made fighters capable of striking targets within a 2,000-mile radius -- including Israel -- as well as allowing the Islamic regime to upgrade and expand its fleet of attack submarines. (Image source: US State Department)

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by Khaled Abu Toameh  •  July 29, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • The Palestinians were extremely happy to accept the billions of dollars from Western donors. Yet when the Palestinians headed to the ballot boxes to cast their votes in the 2006 election, they did not choose Palestinian candidates who talked about peace with Israel. Instead, the majority of the Palestinians knowingly and proudly voted for the Hamas candidates who promised them that they would never recognize Israel's right to exist and would continue to engage in Jihad (holy war) until the "liberation of all Palestine, from the [Mediterranean] sea to the [Jordan] river."

  • The donors should have understood in 2006 that their dollars and euros do nothing to shape hearts and minds, and that the only way to create a change is through education -- education for peace and tolerance and not education for Jihad, terrorism and anti-Israel brainwashing.

  • It is important to note that Hamas and many Palestinians are nothing but honest about their deadly intentions. They are straightforwardly saying: "We refuse, utterly and unequivocally, to change our policies or abandon our weapons for the sake of your money. If you think you can bribe us into changing our behavior because that is what you in the West so often do, sorry, it will not work."

  • Meanwhile, Palestinians will continue to take money from the West, if the West is foolish enough to keep giving it -- perhaps the Europeans want the Arabs to finish the job that Hitler started? -- but the next time Palestinians head to the ballot box, Western donors can expect them once again to vote for jihad.

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are angry again -- this time, they claim, because they have been offered billions of dollars to improve their living conditions and build a new and strong economy. Pictured: Trucks carrying aid from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency arrive in the Gaza Strip from Israel through the Kerem Shalom crossing, May 12, 2023. (Photo by Said Khatib/AFP via Getty Images)

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are angry again -- this time, they claim, because they have been offered billions of dollars to improve their living conditions and build a new and strong economy.

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By refusing the ostensible offer, Hamas and its Palestinian allies are announcing -- not for the first time -- that thinking a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be achieved through huge investments in economic projects in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is misleading and false.

That wish is indeed baseless, as proven by historical fact.

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by Majid Rafizadeh  •  July 28, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • The ruling mullahs of Iran are excited. They are convinced that a new US president, like his previous boss, former President Barack Obama, will throw them the lifeline so badly needed for their survival, their hold on power, and their ability to advance their nuclear and other imperialist plans -- both in Venezuela against the United States, and in the Middle East.

  • Iran's economic conditions have become so dire that even some officials are warning of possible revolt and the collapse of the Islamic Republic.

  • It is important to note that without Iran's financial and military assistance, many militia and terror groups could not survive. As Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, admitted, "... Hezbollah's budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, are from the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Iran's ruling mullahs are excited. They are convinced that a new US president, like his previous boss, former President Barack Obama, will throw them the lifeline so badly needed for their survival, their hold on power, and their ability to advance their nuclear and other imperialist plans. Pictured: Iran's President Hassan Rouhani. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

One of the best gifts that the ruling mullahs of Iran can receive is if Joe Biden, former Vice-President, becomes president of the United States.

The regime is currently struggling politically and financially. Tehran's economy is on the verge of collapse. Inflation and unemployment rates are at record high levels, and the regime is finding extremely difficult to pay its employees, let alone its more luxurious obligations. Iran's economic conditions have become so dire that even some officials are warning of possible revolt and the collapse of the Islamic Republic.

The Iranian regime, in short, is in survival mode and -- to maintain its power as its oil exports continue to decline -- in desperate need of cash.

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by Khaled Abu Toameh  •  旋风ios

  • These religious leaders say they are also worried about other "epidemics" that post a threat to Arabs and Muslims, such as peace with Israel and women's rights.

  • The Muslim "scholars" also seem concerned about the possibility that Palestinian women may be coming closer to being given rights that are now accorded only to men. For these religious figures, the prospect of women being treated equally and with respect appears to be more of a threat than the coronavirus.

  • Across the globe, people are preoccupied with preventing the spread of the coronavirus and rescuing the global economy. The world's best minds are racing against time to invent a vaccine that will save the lives of millions of people threatened by COVID-19. The pandemic has caused panic about basic living conditions, health and livelihood.

  • Palestinian Islamic leaders, meanwhile, are busying themselves with the religious implications of menstruation. For these leaders, it is peace with Israel, not the virus, that is imperiling the health of Arabs and Muslims.

  • These Muslim leaders appear to be more interested in preventing women from working under unbiased conditions than about those individuals suffering from the pandemic. They also seem to be more interested in demonizing Israel than in dealing with the demon called COVID-19.

As Palestinians are facing a sharp increase in the number of coronavirus cases detected in Palestinian cities, villages and refugee camps in the West Bank, their Islamic religious leaders are responding in their usual way: inciting against Israel and Jews. Pictured: Palestinian Authority policemen man a checkpoint in Bethlehem on June 29, 2023, to enforce a 48-hour closure of the city, aimed at containing the spread of coronavirus. (Photo by Hazem Bader/AFP via Getty Images)

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These religious leaders say they are also worried about other "epidemics" that post a threat to Arabs and Muslims, such as peace with Israel and women's rights.

By July 23, the number of Palestinians diagnosed with the coronavirus since last March reached 8,411, according to the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health. Seventy-one Palestinians have died after contracting the disease, the ministry said.

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by 旋风加速官网下载ios  •  July 27, 2023 at 4:00 am

  • The Erdogan regime has been militarily targeting Syria and Iraq, sending its Syrian mercenaries to Libya to seize Libya's oil, and continuing to bully Greece. It is now provoking ongoing violence between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

  • "Until the Syrian people are free, peaceful and safe, we will remain in this country." — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Reuters, July 21, 2023.

  • "Crimes committed against Yazidis [in Syria] include forced conversion to Islam, rape of women and girls, humiliation and torture, arbitrary incarceration, and forced displacement." —, May 29, 2023.

  • One of Turkey's main targets also seems to be Greece.... If such an attack took place, would the West abandon Greece?

Turkey is currently involved in quite a few international military conflicts -- both against its own neighbors such as Greece, Armenia, Iraq, Syria and Cyprus, and against other nations such as Libya and Yemen. Pictured: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (right) meets with Fayez al-Sarraj, the leader of one the two rival governments that control Libya, on June 4, 2023 in Ankara, Turkey. (Photo by Adem Altan/AFP via Getty Images)

Turkey is currently involved in quite a few international military conflicts -- both against its own neighbors such as Greece, Armenia, Iraq, Syria and Cyprus, and against other nations such as Libya and Yemen. These actions by Turkey suggest that Turkey's foreign policy is increasingly destabilizing not only several nations, but the region as well.

In addition, the Erdogan regime has been militarily targeting Syria and Iraq, sending its Syrian mercenaries to Libya to seize Libyan oil and continuing, as usual, to bully Greece. Turkey's regime is also now provoking ongoing violence between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

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"Burned Alive": Persecution of Christians, June 2023

by Raymond Ibrahim  •  July 26, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • A Christian teenager was sexually assaulted by his Muslim employer in early June. The boy's father and brother were then beaten for trying to seek justice for him. —, June 19, 2023, Pakistan.

  • "These Muslim Fulani herdsmen have been attacking our communities because we are Christians. Their desire is to take over our lands, force us to become Muslims, and if we decline, they kill us...." — Ibrahim Agu Iliya, 旋风加速器.apk June 3, 2023, Nigeria.

  • Police killed a man after he cited his Christian faith as reason not to falsify his testimony, as police were urging him to do....Police were trying to get Younas to recant his eyewitness testimony against a Muslim family accused of murder.... When beating him did not yield results, they tried to bribe him.... "During the attack, one of the officers shouted, 'We will teach him a lesson for insulting us!'" —; June 25, 2023, Pakistan.

  • "Is it wrong to have another religion? Is Christianity wrong?" — Fitri Handayani, a woman who converted from Islam to Christianity, describing her ordeals at the hands of her family, YouTube; June 17, 2023, Indonesia.

  • "These are our houses. In ten years, none of you will be left here and then your homes will be ours anyway." — Kurdish representative in Qamishli to Christian family; World Council of Arameans (Syriacs); June 17, 2023, Syria.

In June 2023, at least 100 Christian men, women and children were murdered by Fulani gunmen in Sobame Da, a village in the Mopti region of central Mali. Pictured: The village of Sobame Da. (Image source: United Nations/MINUSMA/Flickr)


旋风加速器xf5app: The jihad on Christians continued in the West Africa nation without letup. In what police described as a "brutal assault," suspected Muslims raped and slaughtered Uwaila Vera Omozuwa, a 22-year-old Christian girl studying inside Redeemed Christian Church of God in Benin City. "We are all devastated by her death," a spokesman of the church said, before explaining: "She [had] decided to do some private studies during the lockdown because the church was peaceful. She's been taking the key from the parish pastor and returning it after her studies." The slain girl's mother described what happened after she heard of the attack:

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Iran's New Make-believe Diplomacy

by Amir Taheri  •  July 26, 2023 at 4:00 am

  • Now, however, it seems that, for the first time, the Khomeinist ruling elite is beginning to understand that it can neither reshape the world nor join it on its own antediluvian terms.

  • Unable to admit that reality, the Tehran ruling elite is trying to conjure a fantasy world in which the Islamic Republic retains some relevance.

  • Zarif is trying to square the circle by defining a place for an Islamic Republic that wants to be part of a world order which it hopes to destroy.

  • To please his hate-America audience, Zarif insists that the US no longer has a leadership position.

  • Zarif's expose contains no mention of "exporting revolution", the regime's perennial obsession. In other words, the Islamic Republic no longer hopes to make the region like itself. Yet it is too early to say that it may be starting to think of becoming like the rest of the region.

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif is trying to square the circle by defining a place for an Islamic Republic that wants to be part of a world order which it hopes to destroy. (Photo by Ahmad al-Rubaye/AFP via Getty Images)

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The question has intrigued Iran-watchers for decades.

One reason for being puzzled is the fog of slogans that covers the reality of Iran's behavior.

Besides that opacity, we have the reality of a bifocal foreign policy divided between a faction that dreams of reshaping the world and another that craves admission to it.

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Unable to admit that reality, the Tehran ruling elite is trying to conjure a fantasy world in which the Islamic Republic retains some relevance.

One sign of that came last week when Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif addressed the newly formed Islamic Consultative Assembly (an ersatz parliament).

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France's Cathedrals on Fire: 'The Final Stage of De-Christianization'?

by 旋风专业版ios  •  July 25, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • "The desecration continues to grow in Europe. Recent acts on statues of the Virgin Mary in French churches show how much these gestures are the result of barbaric hatred. They call for reactions. Catholics can no longer remain silent". — Cardinal Robert Sarah, January 10, 2023.

  • "We must try everything, while it is still possible, to save our civilization. Our civilization is the Greek, Roman, Judeo-Christian heritage". — Alain Finkielkraut, author, L'Opinon, December 17, 2013.

  • If France keeps failing to protect its Christian identity, France as we know it will cease to exist; it will become a different place entirely.

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A leading curator of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art, Keith Christiansen, was criticized for posting on Instagram a painting of Alexandre Lenoir saving France's monuments from the ravages of the French Revolution. Christiansen wrote:

"Alexandre Lenoir battling the revolutionary zealots bent on destroying the royal tombs in Saint Denis. How many great works of art have been lost to the desire to rid ourselves of a past of which we don't approve. And how grateful we are to people like Lenoir who realized that their value — both artistic and historical — extended beyond a defining moment of social and political upheaval and change".

Christiansen was criticizing the current removal and desecration of historic monuments. He could not have known that, a few weeks later, another French cathedral would be vandalized and an ancient organ, which had survived Lenoir's revolutionary zealots, destroyed by the blaze.

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by 旋风加速器app官网  •  July 24, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • Lebanon's anti-Palestinian sentiments show that it has no intention of helping the Palestinians who are living there. On the contrary, the statements of Bassil and other Lebanese politicians demonstrate that Lebanon is eager to rid itself of its Palestinian residents, the sooner the better. Like most Arab countries, Lebanon cares nothing about the suffering of the Palestinians. Other than lip service, it is not prepared to make the slightest effort to assist them.

  • "Palestinians in Lebanon do not enjoy several important rights; for example, they cannot work in as many as 39 professions and cannot own property (real estate)." — United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA),

  • Lebanese law considers Palestinians workers as "foreign workers" and bans them from working in professions such as medicine, law, and engineering, and even as barbers and taxi drivers.

  • The international community evidently has no problem with Arab racism and discrimination against the Palestinians. Indeed, why should the international community, specifically the UN, care about this -- after all, it is a situation about which Israel cannot be held responsible.

Earlier this year, a prominent Lebanese politician, Samir Geagea, was accused of promoting "racism" and hate" after he called for "isolating" Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Aldo Ayoub/AFP via Getty Images)

From time to time, Lebanese officials and politicians like to take a shot at the Palestinians by reminding them that they are unwelcome in Lebanon, an Arab country that has long been subjecting them to apartheid and discriminatory laws, policies and measures.

The latest Lebanese official to spew "racist" remarks against the 475,075 Palestinians living in 12 refugee camps in Lebanon is Gebran Bassil, leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, a political party whose support base is overwhelmingly from Lebanon's Christian community.

Bassil, a former minister of foreign affairs and emigrants, is married to Chantel Aoun, the daughter of Lebanese President Michel Aoun.

Palestinians are now accusing Bassil of waging a "racist and malicious campaign of incitement" against them after he was recently quoted as saying that the presence of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon threatens its security and stability.

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  • For me, the real enemies of America are the extremists on both sides: the hard left that would bring America down, the hard right white supremacists and neo‑Nazis.... People from the hard left do not even want to hear from people on the center left.

  • I think the last thing The New York Times wants is for people to come to their own conclusion, because The New York Times bars dissenting points of view and fired editors who authorize them to be published on its pages.... The Times has taken the "op" out of "op-ed."

  • The combination of elected prosecutors and elected judges has made our legal system far too political. Too many decisions are made by people, crowds, and pressure groups. When you combine four aspects of our system -- prosecutors are elected, judges are elected, juries are ordinary, lay people, and the judges who control the juries are often subject to re‑election -- the risks of our justice system being turned over to the masses, to the mobs, to the crowds, to the chanters, becomes all too real, and our system of checks and balances becomes weaker.

  • Remember that when America was founded at the end of the 18th century, the greatest fear was of the mob. We were watching what was happening a little later on in France with the revolution, and with the killing of so many innocent people in the name of the revolution.

  • In China, some years ago, I was invited to go to a trial, a man who was accused of stealing some items. After the evidence came in -- you had evidence from the prosecution, the defendant testified -- and then the judge ordered the doors opened. Hundreds of people poured in from the streets. The judge said, "Now we'll hear from the masses." The masses started yelling, "Convict! Convict! Convict!" Of course, the judge convicted, because the masses were the ones in a communist country who had control over the justice system. I never want to see that happen in the United States of America

  • It is very hard to be a dissenter today. If you are a dissenter today, you risk being canceled. If you are an editor who is willing to publish dissenting material, you risk being fired. If you are a dissenter today in a crowd, you risk being beaten up.

  • If there were no police, if the police were defunded, wealthy people would hire private security guards, but the people who cannot afford private guards need to have a well‑funded police force. I am in favor of extra funding for the police. Give them 旋风加速器官网下载 training. Teach them how to subdue people without using lethal force.

  • The problem with the UN is not that it passes too many resolutions, but too few. It never attacks its favorite countries. It applies a double standard of injustice. It has devoted more time to condemning Israel than all the other countries of the world combined. Let us see what it says about recent reports concerning murders in Iran of gay people, for instance the recent murder of a 14‑year‑old by her father as an honor killing. Let us see what it says about so many of the violations of human rights around the world. Well, do not hold your breath. It will say nothing. It will focus only on Israel and the United States. There is a case to be made for the United States withdrawing and defunding...

  • If we were to experience a worse pandemic, worse economic situation, worse racial tensions, all of those could lead to a crisis with democracy, which is very fragile. Indeed, I think the extremists on the hard left are hoping that happens so that they can try to attract other people to their extremist anti‑American agenda.

  • I never expected I would be spending the last years of my life and career bringing lawsuits, but I am now contemplating a lawsuit against Netflix for falsely accusing me of having sex with a woman I never met, never heard of -- and who has audio tapes and emails and manuscripts in which she admits, her lawyers admit, that she never met me and could never have met me; and yet Netflix runs this and does not publish what I gave them, all the material showing that I could never have met this person... I think it is important for the First Amendment to hold irresponsible media -- powerful, irresponsible media -- accountable.

(Image source: iStock)

What I want to talk about today is the age of extremism in which we are currently living. I just published a new book, The Case for Liberalism in an Age of Extremism: or, Why I Left the Left But Can't Join the Right.

It is a political memoir about the homelessness that I and many of my friends and colleagues feel. We feel that the Democratic Party has turned too far left for us in many respects. We cannot support "the squad," those who would get rid of the framework of our free market economy, those who are opposed to dissent.

Yet we would feel uncomfortable supporting a party that disapproves of a woman's right to choose, gay marriage, concerns for the environment, reasonable gun control. Many of us feel homeless. The book is a memoir that could have been written by either a centrist conservative or a centrist liberal.

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